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Authentication API

Keystone allows you to extend your Keystone system to support authentication against a password field using the createAuth() function in the @keystone-next/auth package. Additional options to this function provide support for creating an initial item in your database, sending password reset tokens, and sending one-time authentication tokens.

For examples of how to use authentication in your system please see the authentication guide.

import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
const { withAuth } = createAuth({
// Required options
listKey: 'User',
identityField: 'email',
secretField: 'password',
// Additional options
sessionData: 'id name email`,
initFirstItem: {
fields: ['email', 'password'],
itemData: { isAdmin: true },
skipKeystoneWelcome: false,
passwordResetLink: {
sendToken: async ({ itemId, identity, token, context }) => { /* ... */ },
tokensValidForMins: 60,
magicAuthLink: {
sendToken: async ({ itemId, identity, token, context }) => { /* ... */ },
tokensValidForMins: 60,
export default withAuth(
lists: createSchema({
User: list({
fields: {
email: text({ isUnique: true }),
password: password(),
isAdmin: checkbox(),
session: { /* ... */ },

The function createAuth returns a function withAuth which should be used to wrap your config(). This wrapper function will modify the config object to inject extra fields, extra GraphQL queries and mutations, and custom Admin UI functionality into the system. The createAuth function must be used in conjunction with a session configuration.

Required options

The core functionality of the authentication system provides a GraphQL mutation to authenticate a user and then start a session, and a sign in page in the Admin UI.

  • listKey: The name of the list to authenticate against.
  • identityField: The name of the field to use as an identity field. This field must have { isUnique: true } set.
  • secretField: The name of the field to use as a secret. This field must be a password() field type.
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
const { withAuth } = createAuth({
listKey: 'User',
identityField: 'email',
secretField: 'password',


The following elements will be added to the GraphQL API.

Mutation {
authenticateUserWithPassword(email: String!, password: String!): UserAuthenticationWithPasswordResult!
Query {
authenticatedItem: AuthenticatedItem
union AuthenticatedItem = User
union UserAuthenticationWithPasswordResult = UserAuthenticationWithPasswordSuccess | UserAuthenticationWithPasswordFailure
type UserAuthenticationWithPasswordSuccess {
sessionToken: String!
item: User!
type UserAuthenticationWithPasswordFailure {
code: PasswordAuthErrorCode!
message: String!
enum PasswordAuthErrorCode {

This mutation will check the supplied credentials and start a new session if the credentials are valid. The argument names for this function are the values of identityField and secretField.

On success the session handler will start a new session and return the encoded session cookie data as sessionToken. The authenticated item will be returned as item.

On failure the values { code: FAILURE, message: "Authentication failed." } will be returned.


This query will return the currently logged in user, based on the session data.

Admin UI

A sign in page at the path /signin will be added to the Admin UI. If a user tries to access the Admin UI without having logged in they will be redirected back to /signin. This page uses the authenticateUserWithPassword mutation to let users sign in to the Admin UI.

Additional options

The following options add extra functionality to your Keystone authentication system. By default they are disabled.


This option adds support for setting a custom value based on the authenticated user.

The authentication mutations will set the values { listKey, itemId } on the context.session object. You will often need to know more than just the itemId of the authenticated user, such as when performing access-control or using hooks. Configuring sessionData will add an based on the itemId, populated by the fields given in sessionData.query.

The value is a GraphQL query string which indicates which fields should be populated on the object

import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
const { withAuth } = createAuth({
listKey: 'User',
identityField: 'email',
secretField: 'password',
sessionData: 'id name isAdmin',


This option adds support for bootstrapping the first user into the system via the Admin UI. If this option is enabled and there are no users in the system, the Admin UI will present a form to create an initial user in the system. Once the user is created, they will be presented with a Keystone Welcome screen, and prompted to sign up to the Keystone mailing list to receive updates about the project.


  • fields (required): A list of fields to include in the initial user form.
  • itemData (default: {}): An object containing extra data to add to the initial user.
  • skipKeystoneWelcome (default: false): A flag to skip display of the Keystone Welcome screen.
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
const { withAuth } = createAuth({
listKey: 'User',
identityField: 'email',
secretField: 'password',
initFirstItem: {
fields: ['email', 'password'],
itemData: { isAdmin: true },
skipKeystoneWelcome: false,


Enabling initFirstItem will add the following elements to the GraphQL API.

Mutation {
createInitialUser(data: CreateInitialUserInput!): UserAuthenticationWithPasswordSuccess!
input CreateInitialUserInput {
name: String
email: String
password: String

This mutation will create a new user in the system. If a user already exists an error will be returned. The available input fields are based on the fields options. This mutation is used by the Admin UI's initial user screen and should generally not be called directly.

Admin UI

The initial user screen is added at /init, and users are redirected here if there is no active session and no users in the system.

This option adds support for sending password reset links to users. The mutation sendUserPasswordResetLink allows you to send a reset token to a user. The mutation redeemUserPasswordResetToken lets the user reset their password by redeeming the token. You need to provide a sendToken function which can be used by sendUserPasswordResetLink to send the generated token to the user. It is expected that you will use these mutations as part of a password reset workflow within your frontend application.


  • sendToken: This function is invoked by the sendUserPasswordResetLink mutation. It should use an appropriate mechanism (e.g email, Twitter, Slack, carrier pigeon) to provide the user with the password reset token. It should include an appropriate way to submit the token to the redeemUserPasswordResetToken mutation (e.g. a link to a password reset form). The following arguments are provided to sendToken:
    • itemId: The ID of the user requesting the password reset.
    • identity: The identity value provided to the sendUserPasswordResetLink mutation.
    • token: The token the user must supply to use redeemUserPasswordResetToken.
    • context: A KeystoneContext object.
  • tokensValidForMins (default: 10, max: 24 * 60 (1 day), min: 0.16 (10 seconds)): The length of time, in minutes, that the token is valid for.
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
const { withAuth } = createAuth({
listKey: 'User',
identityField: 'email',
secretField: 'password',
passwordResetLink: {
sendToken: async ({ itemId, identity, token, context }) => { /* ... */ },
tokensValidForMins: 60,

Additional fields

Enabling passwordResetLink will add the following fields to the configuration of the list listKey.

const fieldConfig = {
access: () => false,
ui: {
createView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
itemView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
listView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
} as const;
const fields = {
passwordResetToken: password(fieldConfig),
passwordResetIssuedAt: timestamp(fieldConfig),
passwordResetRedeemedAt: timestamp(fieldConfig),
  • passwordResetToken stores the token generated by sendUserPasswordResetLink.
  • passwordResetIssuedAt records the time that the token was generated.
  • passwordResetRedeemedAt records the time that the token was redeemed.


Enabling passwordResetLink will add the following elements to the GraphQL API.

Mutation {
sendUserPasswordResetLink(email: String!): SendUserPasswordResetLinkResult
redeemUserPasswordResetToken(email: String!, token: String!, password: String!): RedeemUserPasswordResetTokenResult
Query {
validateUserPasswordResetToken(email: String!, token: String!): ValidateUserPasswordResetTokenResult
// Unused
type SendUserPasswordResetLinkResult {
code: PasswordResetRequestErrorCode!
message: String!
// Unused
enum PasswordResetRequestErrorCode {
type ValidateUserPasswordResetTokenResult {
code: PasswordResetRedemptionErrorCode!
message: String!
type RedeemUserPasswordResetTokenResult {
code: PasswordResetRedemptionErrorCode!
message: String!
enum PasswordResetRedemptionErrorCode {

This mutation verifies that the supplied identity exists and, if it does, generates a new token and calls sendToken(). The token and the the current time are stored in the fields passwordResetToken and passwordResetIssuedAt respectively. The argument name for this function is the value of identityField. This mutation always returns null.


This mutation validates the provided token and then resets the user's password. The argument names for this function are the values of identityField and secretField. This mutation returns null on success.

If the provided identity and token do not match then the value { code: FAILURE, message: 'Auth token redemption failed.'} is returned.

If the identity and token values match, but the value of passwordResetRedeemedAt on the item is not null then the value { code: TOKEN_REDEEMED, message: 'Auth tokens are single use and the auth token provided has already been redeemed.' } is returned.

If the identity and token values match and the token has not already been redeemed then the value of passwordResetIssuedAt is compared against tokensValidForMins. If the token has expired the value { code: TOKEN_EXPIRED, message: 'The auth token provided has expired.' } is returned.

If the token is valid, then the value of passwordResetRedeemedAt will be set to the current time, and then the new password value will be saved. The password will be validated before being saved. If the password is invalid the token will still be considered as redeemed and the user must restart the password reset flow. A ValidationFailureError will be returned as an error if the password is invalid.

If the password is successfully saved then the mutation will return null.


This query performs all the same validation steps as redeemUserPasswordResetToken, but does not update the password or passwordResetRedeemedAt field. The return values are the same as redeemUserPasswordResetToken.

This option adds support for sending a one-time authentication link to users. One-time authentication links allow a user to start an authenticated session without needing to know their password. The mutation sendUserMagicAuthLink allows you to send a one-time authentication link token to a user. The mutation redeemUserMagicAuthToken lets the user start an authenticated session by redeeming the token. You need to provide a sendToken function which can be used by sendUserMagicAuthLink to send the generated token to the user. It is expected that you will use these mutations as part of a one-time authentication workflow within your frontend application.


  • sendToken: This function is invoked by the sendUserMagicAuthLink mutation. It should use an appropriate mechanism (e.g email, Twitter, Slack, carrier pigeon) to provide the user with their one-time authentication token. It should include an appropriate way to submit the token to the redeemUserMagicAuthToken mutation (e.g. a link to a route which executes the mutation on their behalf). The following arguments are provided to sendToken:
    • itemId: The ID of the user requesting the one-time authentication link.
    • identity: The identity value provided to the sendUserMagicAuthLink mutation.
    • token: The token the user must supply to use redeemUserMagicAuthToken.
    • context: A KeystoneContext object.
  • tokensValidForMins (default: 10, max: 24 * 60 (1 day), min: 0.16 (10 seconds)): The length of time, in minutes, that the token is valid for.
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
const { withAuth } = createAuth({
listKey: 'User',
identityField: 'email',
secretField: 'password',
magicAuthLink: {
sendToken: async ({ itemId, identity, token, context }) => { /* ... */ },
tokensValidForMins: 60,

Additional fields

Enabling magicAuthLink will add the following fields to the configuration of the list listKey.

const fieldConfig = {
access: () => false,
ui: {
createView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
itemView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
listView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
} as const;
const fields = {
magicAuthToken: password(fieldConfig),
magicAuthIssuedAt: timestamp(fieldConfig),
magicAuthRedeemedAt: timestamp(fieldConfig),
  • magicAuthToken stores the token generated by sendUserMagicAuthLink.
  • magicAuthIssuedAt records the time that the token was generated.
  • magicAuthRedeemedAt records the time that the token was redeemed.


Enabling magicAuthLink will add the following elements to the GraphQL API.

Mutation {
sendUserMagicAuthLink(email: String!): SendUserMagicAuthLinkResult
redeemUserMagicAuthToken(email: String!, token: String!): RedeemUserMagicAuthTokenResult!
// Unused
type SendUserMagicAuthLinkResult {
code: MagicLinkRequestErrorCode!
message: String!
// Unused
enum MagicLinkRequestErrorCode {
union RedeemUserMagicAuthTokenResult = RedeemUserMagicAuthTokenSuccess | RedeemUserMagicAuthTokenFailure
type RedeemUserMagicAuthTokenSuccess {
token: String!
item: User!
type RedeemUserMagicAuthTokenFailure {
code: MagicLinkRedemptionErrorCode!
message: String!
enum MagicLinkRedemptionErrorCode {

This mutation verifies that the supplied identity exists and, if it does, generates a new token and calls sendToken(). The token and the the current time are stored in the fields magicAuthToken and magicAuthIssuedAt respectively. The argument name for this function is the value of identityField. This mutation always returns null.


This mutation validates the provided token and then starts an authenticated session as the identified user. The argument name for this function is the value of identityField.

If the provided identity and token do not match then the value { code: FAILURE, message: 'Auth token redemption failed.'} is returned.

If the identity and token values match, but the value of magicAuthRedeemedAt on the item is not null then the value { code: TOKEN_REDEEMED, message: 'Auth tokens are single use and the auth token provided has already been redeemed.' } is returned.

If the identity and token values match and the token has not already been redeemed then the value of magicAuthRedeemedAt is compared against tokensValidForMins. If the token has expired the value { code: TOKEN_EXPIRED, message: 'The auth token provided has expired.' } is returned.

If the token is valid then the session handler will start a new session and return the encoded session cookie data as sessionToken. The authenticated item will be returned as item.